Monday, March 26, 2012

Divorced and Traveling with Children? Plan Ahead!

The summer is rapidly approaching--which is hard to believe--and it will be here before we know it. As summer draws near the summer plans begin to form. If you are a divorced parent with children there is a great deal of planning that must be done in advance if you plan to travel with your child(ren). Call your Orlando family law attorney with any specific questions you might have; if you think there might be issues with your ex, it's a good idea to have a plan of attack.  In general, it is best to consult your marital settlement agreement (MSA) or parenting plan for the rules you should follow when traveling with your child(ren). Most commonly if you plan to travel you will need to give the other party at least two weeks’ notice with a written itinerary and contact information for where you will be with the child(ren) and how to reach them in case of an emergency. In most cases complying with what has been agreed to should be sufficient, but there are times when the parties cannot agree to the travel plans or a conflict arises between the parties' schedules with the child(ren); that is why it is important to get a jump start on your plans now and/or consult an Orlando lawyer. The sooner you are ready with an itinerary the better. If for some reason you cannot work out the summer plans with your former spouse, planning ahead will allow you ample opportunity to seek relief from the courts. Additionally, before you plan your trip you may want to consult the website below; this site will help you plan a safe trip for you and your child(ren).

Monday, March 19, 2012

Orlando Lawyers Know The Pitfalls of Social Media in Domestic Cases

Social media has changed our lives in so many ways. One change that I see in Orlando domestic cases is how people communicate with each other. It is not uncommon for one spouse or another to post something about the other spouse that in less than flattering. Sometimes people engage in behavior that they regret but there are pictures that end up on the internet, these photos can be damaging to more than just an ego. Remember everything you do and say on social media sites, text messages, and in emails may all be used as evidence in your pending domestic case. More than just damaging to your case these types of communications may have a lasting negative impact on your children. In Florida, the courts are most concerned about the best interest of the children when determining which parent is better suited to have the children. Please remember that what you put into cyberspace can and will have lasting effects on your family, children and case in general.
For more info, contact your Orlando family law attorney or see these websites:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Orlando Lawyer Offers Tips on Post-Divorce Health Insurance

Health insurance becomes an issue in almost every Orlando Orlando divorce, particularly when there are children involved. Many times one spouse provides insurance for the entire family through their employer, however, after a divorce that spouse can no longer cover the other spouse on their employers insurance. If you are the spouse losing coverage and cannot secure coverage through your own employer you may consider a cobra plan or your own individual plan as soon as the divorce is final. Insurance coverage can often be an unexpected expense after the divorce is final and it is important to include this cost when you are evaluating what your expenses will be post divorce. Children must always be covered and if insurance is not available through either spouses employer the State of Florida has a program called KidCare that will keep children insured at a fraction of the cost of private insurance.  Be sure to consult your Orlando family law attorney with any questions you may have.

Law Office of Jennifer T. Dane, P.A.
2431 Lee Road
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 260-0500
Fax: (407) 629-0180

Monday, March 5, 2012

Proposed Bill Would Make It More Difficult To Award Alimony Based on Claims of Adultery

Hello from the Orlando, FL Law Offices of Jennifer T. Dane!
This week we wanted to discuss some news and topics regarding alimony.  Here's some background:
Florida Statute 61.08 discusses Alimony and how the award is figured in Florida. Unlike child support there is no statutory formula for an award of alimony. There is a two part test that must first be passed before an award can be made, 1. Need of the spouse requesting alimony 2. Ability to pay on the part of the payee spouse. Once this test has passed muster then the court moves on to a list of factors enumerated in subsection (2) of the statute which includes standards of living during the marriage, duration of the marriage, age of the parties, financial recourses… ect. In subsection (1) it states “ The court may consider the adultery of either spouse and the circumstances thereof in determining the amount of alimony…” Because Florida is a no fault state meaning we do not care why you want a divorce or who caused it adultery in only one of many factors that may be taken into consideration when awarding alimony. However the proposed legislation discussed in the article above will make it increasingly difficult for alimony to be awarded based on claims of adultery.
Here is the link to the original article, found on the Orlando Sentinel's online news site:
Please let us know if you have any questions about Orlando alimony or legal services in general!
The Law Office of Jennifer T. Dane, P.A.
2431 Lee Rd.
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 260-0500